Integrating JUnit data#

Incorporate JUnit quality data into workflows, reports, and pipelines.

Integrating JUnit data#

The JUnit integration parses JUnit XML files and forwards the data to the UrbanCodeā„¢ Velocity application API.

Quality data integrations expose modules that follow simple interfaces. This is done by exposing implementations in the index.js file, as shown in this example:

POST https://Velocity\_URL/reporting-consumer/qualityData

The multipart-form data is shown in the following example:

payload: <Payload JSON Object String\>
testArtifact: <JUnit XML File\>

Sample request#

The following code fragment provides a sample Curl post request:

curl --request POST \
  --url https://<Velocity Base URL>/reporting-consumer/qualityData \
  --form 'payload={
  "tenant_id": "<TOKEN>",
  "application": {
    "name": "My Application"
  "record": {
    "pluginType": "junitXML",
    "dataFormat": "junitXML"
' \
  --form testArtifact=@test-result/junit.xml

Detailed JUnit request format#

The following code fragment provides a sample JUnit request:

  "tenant_id": "<TOKEN\>",
  "metricName": "Unit Tests for My Application", // optional label
  "application": {
    "name": "My Application"
  "record": {
    "recordName": "Unit Tests for My Application on 10/12/2022", // optional label
    "executionDate": 1547983466015, // optional unix epoch
    "pluginType": "junitXML",
    "dataFormat": "junitXML"
  "options": {
      "combineTestSuites": true // false by default

Parent topic: Integrating quality data