Linking integrated tools#

Link value stream tools to one another.

Link rules define how integrated tools relate to one another. When tools are linked, objects that appear in a value stream provide information and links to the associated tools. You might link an issue tracking system, for instance, to a source control tool.

To define a link rule, specify a field in the linked-from tool that you want to associate with a field in the linked-to tool, and a regular expression that defines the matching pattern.

The following example illustrates how to link a Git integration with a Pivotal integration:

      "linkRules": [
          "toIntegrationName": "my-pivatol",
          "toField": "",
          "pattern": "[[A-Z]+-[0-9]+]",
          "fromIntegrationName": "my-github",
          "fromField": "",

When links are established, you can access information about the linked tools from the affected particles in the value stream. In general, you can define linking rules for any integrated tools, and define multiple linking rules in a single value stream.

Note: To add linked data to a value stream, you must define linking rules for your integrated tools.

Property Description
toIntegrationName Name of the integration to which you are linking.
toField Field in the toIntegrationName integration that you are linking.
pattern Regular expression that determines if the linking fields match. For example, [[A-Z]+-[0-9]+].
fromIntegrationName Name of the integration from which you are linking.
fromField Field in the fromIntegrationName integration that you are linking.

Parent topic: Integrating tools into value streams