Managing a release#

Use the release details page to view details about a specific release.

The left side of the page contains the calendar or list of tasks. Click Calendar to view the calendar. To view tasks, click Tasks. When viewing tasks you can select to view only your tasks or all tasks.

Release activities are displayed in a tile or list () format. You can use filters to limit the amount of information shown by typing a filter in the search bar. Additionally, click the filter icon () to limit the activity list to: complete, in progress, or scheduled. Click the release name to view details about the release.

Click the tag icon ( ) to toggle on and off the displaying of tags associated with the release activity.

To create a new release, click Create release.

You can also use this page to access and work with release templates by clicking Templates in the top right corner.

Click Archived to view and work with releases removed from the Releases page and the calendar.

When you access a release from the Release page you can view details about the release, such as the deployment plans associated with the release. View release details by clicking Overview. Click the table heading to display details.

The Properties section displays properties defined in the plan and property value. You can add or change the property value by double-clicking the Value field of the property. Click the check mark to save the value.

Click the tag icon ( ) to toggle on and off the displaying of tags associated with the release activity.

To create a new deployment plan, click Create deployment plan.

Parent topic: Releasing software