Using properties#

You can use properties in deployment plans, REST API endpoints, and external systems, such as ServiceNow.

Property examples#

Use the following syntax to reference a property: ${propertyName}. To escape the syntax pattern, use two dollar-sign symbols, $${...}. You set property values with the deployment plan's Properties tab, REST API endpoints, or external systems, such as ServiceNow.

The following table describes how to properties with task types.

Task type Usage
ServiceNow You can use the ServiceNow Output property field in a create change request action to store the change request ID in a property, for example, service_now_prod_ticket_id. Then, with another task, update the change request by referencing the property in the System ID field like this, ${service_now_prod_ticket_id}.

| |Email| You can reference a system property in the email task Subject field like this example: `${} is complete!`

| |Delayed| You can reference a delay task property in the Delay property field like this example: ``${prodTarget}. In this example, the task delays until the value in the${prodTarget}`` property is reached.


System properties#

System properties enable you to access information about the parent release of a deployment plan. System properties can be referenced by any property-enabled task that is part of a release.

The following table contains the available system properties:

Property Description
${} The value in the release's Name field.
${sys:release.description} Contains the content of the release's Description field.
${sys:release.start} Release's Start time.
$${sys:release.end} Contains the content of the release's End time field.

In the Email message field of an email-type task, you can reference system properties like this example: Deployment for release${}-${sys:release.description}is complete.

You can reference a system property in a ServiceNow task's Short description field like this example: Staging deployment${}\.

Parent topic: Using properties