Upgrading the containerized server#

You can upgrade your containerized version of the UrbanCode™ Deploy server running in a Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster.

Log in to the Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster where your UrbanCode™ Deploy server container is running.

If you will be accessing the UrbanCode™ Deploy server image from the Entitled Registry, follow the directions for getting your Entitlement key and creating an imagePullSecret . Otherwise, follow the directions for downloading the Passport Advantage archive and loading the image into your image registry. For directions, see: Installing the server in an OpenShift/Kubernetes cluster

Note: Contact UrbanCode Deploy Technical Support for instructions for upgrading the containerized version of the HCL™ Launch server from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1.

  1. Find the Helm release name that is associated with your UrbanCode™ Deploy server.

    $ helm list

  2. If not already present, add the helm chart repository containing the UrbanCode™ Deploy server chart to the local client.

    $ helm repo add entitled https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HCL/charts/master/repo/entitled

  3. If the helm repository was already present, be sure to update the local copy to get the latest content.

    $ helm repo update

  4. Get a copy of the values.yaml file from the helm chart.

    $ helm inspect values entitled/ibm-ucd-prod > myvalues.yaml

  5. Edit myvalues.yaml to remove all properties other than those beginning with ‘image’. Be sure to set image.secret to the name of the imagePullSecret containing your Entitled Registry key.

  6. Upgrade your helm release to the latest version of UrbanCode™ Deploy server.

    $ helm upgrade ReleaseName entitled/ibm-ucd-prod –-reuse-values –-values myvalues.yaml

During the upgrade, your existing instance of UrbanCode™ Deploy server will be stopped, and then the new instance will be started using the values you specified, including using the new UrbanCode™ Deploy server image. All upgrade actions will be taken care of automatically (database upgrade, etc).

Parent topic: Installing the server in a Kubernetes cluster