Installing an agent in a Kubernetes cluster#

  1. The UrbanCode agent must have a UrbanCode Deploy server or relay to connect to.
  2. A PersistentVolume that will hold the conf directory for the UrbanCode Deploy agent is required. If your cluster supports dynamic volume provisioning you will not need to create a PersistentVolume (PV) or PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) before installing this chart. If your cluster does not support dynamic volume provisioning, you will need to either ensure a PV is available or you will need to create one before installing this chart. You can optionally create the PVC to bind it to a specific PV, or you can let the chart create a PVC and bind to any available PV that meets the required size and storage class. Sample YAML to create the PV and PVC are provided below.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: ucdr-conf-vol
    volume: ucdr-conf-vol
    storage: 10Mi
    path: /volume1/k8/ucdr-conf

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: ucdr-conf-volc
  storageClassName: ""
      storage: 10Mi
      volume: ucdr-conf-vol

Example setup scripts to create the Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim are included in the Helm chart under pak_extensions/pre-install/persistentStorageAdministration directory.

PodSecurityPolicy Requirements

This chart requires a PodSecurityPolicy to be bound to the target namespace prior to installation. Choose either a predefined PodSecurityPolicy or have your cluster administrator create a custom PodSecurityPolicy for you.

The predefined PodSecurityPolicy named ibm-restricted-psp has been verified for this chart, if your target namespace is bound to this PodSecurityPolicy you can proceed to install the chart.

This chart also defines a custom PodSecurityPolicy which can be used to finely control the permissions/capabilities needed to deploy this chart. You can enable this custom PodSecurityPolicy using the Cluster Console user interface or the supplied instructions/scripts in the pak_extension pre-install directory.

Red Hat OpenShift SecurityContextConstraints Requirements

If running in a Red Hat OpenShift cluster, this chart requires a SecurityContextConstraints to be bound to the target namespace prior to installation. To meet this requirement there may be cluster scoped as well as namespace scoped pre and post actions that need to occur.

The predefined SecurityContextConstraints name: ibm-restricted-scc has been verified for this chart, if your target namespace is bound to this SecurityContextConstraints resource you can proceed to install the chart.

This chart defines a custom SecurityContextConstraints which can be used to finely control the permissions/capabilities needed to deploy this chart. You can enable this custom SecurityContextConstraints resource using the supplied instructions or scripts in the pak_extensions/pre-install directory.

Resources Required

Kubernetes 1.9

This chart deploys a single instance of the UrbanCode Deploy agent.

  1. Complete the steps in Before you begin.

  2. Install the chart into the namespace 'default', with the release name my-ucdagent, and reading all remaining installation values from a file named my-agent-values.yaml:

    $ helm install ibm-ucda-prod-@helmchartversion@.tgz --namespace default --name my-ucdagent -f my-agent-values.yaml --tls

    The below configuration section links to a list the parameters that can be set during installation.

    Tip: List all releases using helm list.

  3. Check the Resources > Agentspage of the UrbanCode Deploy server user interface to verify the agent has connected successfully.

  4. To uninstall/delete the my-ucdagent deployment:

    $ helm delete --purge my-ucdagent

    The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


Helm chart configuration parameters


See the Prerequisites section of this page for storage information.

Parent topic: Installing agents