Installing the server in a Kubernetes cluster#

The HCL™ Launch server can be installed in a cloud-based environment, as a containerized server cluster, managed by Kubernetes. UrbanCode Deploy works with Kubernetes to simplify application deployment and manage versions in the containers.

The core installation of UrbanCode Deploy includes a server, database, and agents. In a typical containerized topology, the UrbanCode Deploy server is installed as a single server in a container or can be scaled to a server cluster managed by Kubernetes. The database is installed in a container or an on-premises location. Agents can be installed on cloud environments, virtual machines (VMs), containers, or physical systems.

System topology diagram for Kubernetes cluster

The server cluster is configured in either of two cloud-based environments and their compatible versions.

Parent topic: Installing HCL Launch

Related information

HCL® Cloud Private v3.1.2 documentation

Getting started with HCL Cloud Kubernetes Service

Kubernetes Blue-Green Deployments Working Example