The header element#

The mandatory header element identifies the plug-in and contains three mandatory child elements and one optional child element:

<header> Child Elements Description
<identifier> This element's 3 attributes identify the plug-in: - version

API version (the version number for upgrading plug-ins is defined in the info.xml file).

Identifies the plug-in.

The plug-in name is shown on the Automation Plugins pane, and on informational pages for the plug-in.

All values must be enclosed within single quotation marks.| |<description> |Describes the plug-in; is shown on the Automation Plugins pane, and on informational pages for the plug-in.| |<tag> |Defines where the plug-in is listed within the process editor's hierarchy of available plug-ins. The location is defined by a string that is separated by slashes. For example, the Tomcat definition is the following string: Application Server/Java/Tomcat. The Tomcat steps are listed beneath the Tomcat item, which in turn is nested within the other two. Note: Do not include underscores in this element.

| |<server:required-server-version>|This optional element defines the minimum version of UrbanCode™ Deploy required for use with the plug-in. The version is defined by 4 digits. For example, a plug-in that requires UrbanCode Deploy Version 6.0.1 or later would include the following element in the header: ```

|`<server:dependencies>`|This optional element specifies other plug-ins that must be loaded before this plug-in. The `<server:dependencies>` element contains a `<server:dependency>` element that specifies the identifier and minimum version for each dependency. For example, a plug-in that requires version 76 or later of the WebSphere® Application Server - Deploy plug-in would include the following elements in the header:```
  <server:dependency plugin-id="com.urbancode.air.plugin.WebSphere" min-version="76"/>


The following text is a sample header definition:

  <identifier version="3" id="com.&company;.air.plugin.Tomcat" name="Tomcat"/>
  The Tomcat plugin is used during deployments to run Tomcat run-book 
  automations and deploy or undeploy Tomcat applications.
  <tag>Application Server/Java/Tomcat</tag>

Parent topic: The plugin.xml file for automation plug-ins