Parameters for notification templates#

Depending on the context of the notification, you can insert parameters into the notification template. When the notification is sent, these parameters are replaced with values such as the names and information about applications, components, and processes.

Note: Not all parameters are available in all contexts. For example, when you run a generic process, parameters that are related to applications are not available.

Parameter Description Example
$externalUrl() The URL of the server
$request The request that caused the notification, such as an application process request ApplicationProcessRequest#74ae3853-3444-4d7d-a0f3-68107f47b29f
Parameter Description Example
$application.getName() The name of the application My application
$application.getId() The ID of the application b37054b7-7b20-49b6-973d-fd0ee0b1b62b
$application.getDescription() The description of the application This is my application
$application.getPath() The URL path of the application applications/b37054b7-7b20-49b6-973d-fd0ee0b1b62b
Parameter Description Example
$applicationProcess.getId() The ID of the application process 50d5bca2-d8d9-47f2-a0ce-5b75b3f24d3b
$applicationProcess.getName() The name of the application process Deploy application
Parameter Description Example
$environment.getId() The ID of the application 072a54df-8c3a-4b23-a660-323cf205c86c
$environment.getName() The name of the environment Environment 1
$environment.getDescription() The description of the environment  
$environment.getColor() The color that is assigned to the environment in the table of environments #00B2EF
$environment.isRequireApprovals() True if the environment requires approvals  

You can retrieve an array of application process versions with the parameter $versions. For the size of the array, use the parameter $versions.size(). To access individual versions within this array, access them with a loop as in the following example:

<div class="data-table-container">
#if ($versions.size() > 0)
  <h3>Versions Included:</h3>
  <table class="data-table" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
   <thead class="data-table-head">
      <th style="text-align:left;" scope="col" valign="middle">Component</th>
      <th style="text-align:left;" scope="col" valign="middle">Version</th>
      <th style="text-align:left;" scope="col" valign="middle">Description</th>
    #foreach ($version in $versions)
      #if ($velocityCount % 2 == 1)
          #set ($rowClass = "odd")
          #set ($rowClass = "even")
      <tr class="$rowClass">
         #if ($version.getDescription())
  <h3>No Versions Included</h3>

Within the loop, you can access information about the individual versions with the parameters in the following table:

Parameter Description Example
$version.getName() The name of the component version  
$version.getComponent() The component  
Parameter Description Example
$snapshot.getId() The ID of the snapshot 5d95883f-be45-4abe-8664-3ca6a7635a12
$snapshot.getName() The name of the snapshot My snapshot
$snapshot.getDescription() The description of the snapshot  
$snapshot.getCreatedDate() The creation date of the snapshot Fri Mar 20 09:56:42 EDT 2015
$snapshot.getCreatedTime() The creation time of the snapshot in UNIX™ format 1418136059500
Parameter Description Example
$user.getId() The ID of the user 20000000000000000000000001000000
$user.getName() The user name jsmith
$user.getActualName() The full name of the user Joe Smith
$user.getEmail() The email address of the user
Parameter Description Example
$processname The name of the requested process  
$scheduledDate The date for which the process is scheduled Fri Apr 10 13:16:53 EDT 2015
$appRequest.getDescription() The description of the application process request  
$requestType The type of request applicationProcessRequest
$roles The roles that a user must have to approve the request [Role: Administrator]
$appRequest For application process requests, the application process request ID ApplicationProcessRequest#81701a8b-332c-47dd-8efe-87aab8fa2dfd