Adding engines to clusters#

To add an engine to a cluster, connect it to the shared database. Then, configure the load balancer to send traffic to it.

You can add many engine nodes to the cluster as you need.

  1. On the new node, install the engine as described in Installing the engine.

    For the public address of the system, specify the IP address of the load balancer. For the Keystone server, use the same Keystone server that you would use if you were installing a single engine.

  2. After you install the engine, stop the Heat services.

    • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux™ (RHEL) version 6, run the following commands:

      cd /etc/init.d

      for s in $(ls openstack*); do service $s stop; done

    • For an engine that was provided with UrbanCode Deploy version or later on RHEL version 7, run the following command:

      /extracted\_location/ibm-ucd-patterns-install/engine-install/resources/tools/ -r

      In this command, extracted_location is the location of the installation files. This example is split onto separate lines for clarity, but the command must be entered on a single line.

  3. If you use an engine that is provided with UrbanCode Deploy version or later, configure the engine for the cluster by running a script.

    The script configures the Heat engine on this node to use the shared MariaDB database and RabbitMQ service that you installed for the cluster of Heat engine servers. The script is provided with the installation media for the Heat engine. You can run this script on only a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 7 server. Run the script by using the following command:

    /extracted\_location/ibm-ucd-patterns-install/engine-install/resources/tools/ha/ -a allowed\_uris -d database\_url -k keystone\_host -r rabbitmq\_host

    In this command, extracted_location is the location of the installation files, and you must provide a value for each option.

    Option Description
    -a Set the authorized Keystone URIs. Separate each URI with a comma. For example, http://first\_keystone:5000/v3,http://second\_keystone:5000/v2.0
    -d Set the URL of the Heat engine MariaDB database. For example, jdbc:mariadb://
    -k Set the Keystone host. For example,
    -r Set the RabbitMQ host. For example,
  4. If you use an engine that is provided with versions of UrbanCode Deploy before, configure the engine for the cluster by completing the following steps.

    The steps configure the Heat engine on this node to use the shared MySQL database and RabbitMQ service that you installed for the cluster of Heat engine servers. These commands are for RHEL version 6 servers.

    1. Stop the MySQL database and prevent it from starting at system startup by running the following commands:

      service mysqld stop

      chkconfig mysqld off

      The engine does not require this service because it must use the shared engine database. If the cluster node does not require MySQL for any other purpose, you can uninstall MySQL from the cluster node.

    2. Open the /etc/heat/heat.conf file in a text editor.

    3. In the /etc/heat/heat.conf file, if you are connecting to a Keystone engine other than the default Keystone engine for the cloud, find the allowed_auth_uris property, and add the complete URL to the Keystone server to the property value.

      For example, if the engine connects to clouds at and, the property might look like the following example:


    4. Find the sql_connection property, and change it to the location of the shared engine database.

      For example, if the shared engine database has the host name, the property looks as follows:


    5. Find the auth_host property, and update it to point to the load balancer host name, as in the following example:

    6. Find the rabbit_host property, and update it to point to the host name of the shared engine database, as in the following example:

    7. Stop the RabbitMQ service:

      service rabbitmq-server stop

    8. Prevent the RabbitMQ service from starting on system startup:

      chkconfig rabbitmq-server off

    9. Open the /etc/keystone/keystone.conf file in a text editor.

    10. In the /etc/keystone/keystone.conf file, find the connection parameter and update it to use shared engine database, as in the following example:


    11. Start the Heat services by running the following commands:

      cd /etc/init.d

      for s in $(ls openstack*); do service $s start; done

      for s in $(ls openstack*); do service $s status; done

  5. If you configured the engine by using a script, for only the first engine in the cluster, complete the following steps:

    1. Synchronize the Keystone server and Heat engine databases.

      Run the following commands:

      keystone-manage db_sync heat-manage db_sync

    2. To initialize the OpenStack endpoints for the engine cluster, run the script.

      Run the script by using the following command:


  6. Configure the load balancer to send traffic on the following ports to the new engine node:

    • 5000
    • 35357
    • 8004
    • 8000
    • 8003 For example, if you are using HAProxy, the configuration file might have code that is similar to the following snippets. In this code example, it is assumed that the engine nodes have these host names:,, and

    ``` frontend keystone_api bind *:5000 default_backend keystone_api_back

    frontend keystone_admin bind *:35357 default_backend keystone_admin_back

    frontend heat_api bind *:8004 default_backend heat_api_back

    frontend heat_cfn bind *:8000 default_backend heat_cfn_back

    frontend heat_cloudwatch bind *:8003 default_backend heat_cloudwatch_back ```


    backend keystone_api_back balance roundrobin server enginenode1 check server enginenode2 check server enginenode3 check option httpchk

    backend keystone_admin_back balance roundrobin server enginenode1 check server enginenode2 check server enginenode3 check option httpchk

    backend heat_api_back balance roundrobin server enginenode1 check server enginenode2 check server enginenode3 check option httpchk

    backend heat_cfn_back balance roundrobin server enginenode1 check server enginenode2 check server enginenode3 check option httpchk

    backend heat_cloudwatch_back balance roundrobin server enginenode1 check server enginenode2 check server enginenode3 check option httpchk ```

  7. Restart the HAProxy service:

    service haproxy restart

  8. On the new engine node, run the following commands to verify that the engine is running:

    source ˜/clientrc

    heat stack-list

    keystone endpoint-list

    The endpoints that the keystone endpoint-list command returns must refer to the load balancer and not the engine node.

  9. Verify that the load balancer is sending traffic to the new node.

    For example, if HAProxy is installed on a system with the host name, you can go to the following URL to see the status of the nodes:

The engine is part of the cluster.