Update the system configuration#
Use this command to set any of the properties on the System Settings page of the server. The JSON template for this command lists all of the properties that you can change, but you can omit properties that you are not changing.
PUT https://{hostname}:{port}
This command takes a JSON request string or file. Use the following template for the request:
"agentAutoLicense": "Specify true to automatically
assign licenses to agents",
"artifactAgent": "Specify a default agent for component
version imports.",
"auditLogCleanupEnabled": "Whether the audit logs will
be deleted after a given number of days.",
"auditLogCleanupHour": "The hour when audit logs are
cleaned; the value must be an integer from 0 (midnight) to
23 (11pm).",
"auditLogCleanupMinute": "The minute when audit logs are
cleaned; the value must be an integer from 0 to 59.",
"auditLogReadEntriesEnabled": "Controls whether READ
events are captured in the audit log.",
"auditLogRetentionLength": "The number of days to retain
audit log entries.",
"cleanupArchivePath": "The path for archived component
"cleanupCountToKeep": "The number of component versions
to keep",
"cleanupDaysToKeep": "The number of days component
versions are kept",
"cleanupHourOfDay": "The time when versions are cleaned;
the value must be an integer from 0 (midnight) to 23 (11
"defaultLocale": "The default locale to use for the
system (determines language and date formats.)",
"deployMailHost": "The host name of the mail server that
is used for notifications",
"deployMailPassword": "The user password for sending
email notifications",
"deployMailPort": "The SMTP port that is used by the
notifications mail server",
"deployMailSecure": "Specifies whether the SMTP
connection is secure",
"deployMailSender": "The sender address for email
"deployMailUsername": "The user name for sending email
"enableAllowFailure": "Controls whether the 'allow
failure' option can be used on the steps in a workflow.",
"enableInactiveLinks": "Specify true to show links to
inactive objects",
"enablePromptOnUse": "Controls whether user-entered
values can be specified at process run time",
"enableUIDebugging": "Changes how the UI resources are
loaded so it is easier to debug problems in the UI if set.
Enabling reduces UI performance.",
"envCompPropsOverrideEnvProps": "Determines whether or
not environment component properties will override
environment properties.",
"externalURL": "The URL that agents use to connect to
the server",
"externalUserURL": "The URL that users enter to connect
to the server",
"failProcessesWithUnresolvedProperties": "Determines
whether or not a process will fail when it encounters a
property that cannot be resolved.",
"historyCleanupDaysToKeep": "The number of days
application process history is to be kept. -1 will disable
application process history cleanup.",
"historyCleanupDuration": "The maxiumum number of hours
per day the history cleanup process can take; the value
must be an integer from 1 to 23.",
"historyCleanupEnabled": "The system will not delete any
process history unless this is enabled.",
"historyCleanupHour": "The time when application process
history is cleaned; the value must be an integer from 0
(midnight) to 23 (11pm).",
"historyCleanupMinute": "The minute when process history
is cleaned; the value must be an integer from 0 to 59.",
"integrationTag": "Specify an agent tag to use any agent
with the given tag for version imports.",
"licenseServerUrl": "The host name and port of the
license server",
"minimumPasswordLength": "Determines the minimum length
for passwords",
"repoAutoIntegrationPeriod": "The number of seconds
between the times that the server polls components for new
"requireCommentForProcessChanges": "When enabled, the
user must provide a comment when saving changes to any
process design.",
"requireComplexPasswords": "If selected, passwords must
contain at least two of the four character classes and
must be at least as long as the specified minimum length",
"skipCollectPropertiesForExistingAgents": "Controls
whether or not agent properties will be updated when an
existing agent reconnects to the server.",
"use.default.atr.if.not.specified": "Use the Default
Auth Token Restriction for plugin steps that do not have
an auth token restriction set. If false this will not
restrict auth token usage at all. Any new version will
have an auth token restriction.",
"validateAgentIp": "Controls validation of agent IPs and
hostnames. The first time the agent connects, its IP and
hostname will be saved. In subsequent connections, if
either has changed, the agent will be prevented from
coming online.",
"winRSAgent": "The agent to use for running agent
installation processes on Windows machines. The agent must
be installed on a Windows machine."
Example JSON request#
"minimumPasswordLength": "9",
"requireComplexPasswords": "true"
Related CLI command: setSystemConfiguration.
Parent topic: systemConfiguration resource